Mummies in the new age

A mummy that was discovered in 1911 is now being examined with new x-ray machines. The body is of a 5-year-old girl who died around 1,000 years ago. What makes her unique is that her body is part of only a few that have a painted face attached to it. For some reason, the body has been left alone while in the past many have been opened and examined. She has been on display for years and is now giving scientist the chance to explore her remains without unwrapping her remains. She is currently in Chicago where she spends most of her time on display there. Scientists are hoping to use the digital images to compare her remains to those from her time and also from more recent times in hopes of seeing how bones decay and stand the test of time. She is the first to use synchrotron x-rays which are high-intensity lights that shoot into the body and create in-depth images of the bones in extreme detail.